Heritage Poultry Breeds

Showing Tag: "eggs" (Show all posts)

Hatching Your Guinea Fowl Shipped Eggs

Posted by candace brown on Wednesday, May 16, 2018, In : Egg Hatching 

To successfully hatch any eggs, begin with fresh, clean, fertile eggs. Clean off any degree. For Eggs  purchased by mail order, it is important to ensure that the eggs receive proper care in transit. Extremes of temperature and poor handling can destroy prospects for a good hatch.

Let the Eggs rest for 12-24 hours, pointy side down prior to incubation. 

Guinea egg hatch after 26-28 days of incubation. My experience is that, with a properly calibrated incubator, they will start pipping on day 25...

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Why purchase hatching eggs and what to expect.

Posted by candace brown on Saturday, August 22, 2015, In : Hatching eggs 
What are the benefits and risks of purchasing hatching eggs? What are your expectations? Here is a simple to read article that can simplify the process. Know and understand the risk before purchasing. 

Few experiences in life compare to the wondrous event of witnessing a baby chicken labor with instinctive determination and emerge from an egg. Being a spectator of this miraculous event is the motivation that prompts many people to attempt incubating and hatching eggs. Regardless of th...

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Rosenort, Manitoba Canada