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Breezy Bird Farms

The Ridley Bronze Turkey: A Triumph of Collaboration and Innovation

The Ridley Bronze Turkey holds a significant place in the history of Canadian poultry farming, thanks to the remarkable efforts of individuals like John Richardson and Judge Arthur O. Ridley. In this blog post, we will delve into the captivating story behind the Ridley Bronze Turkey, exploring the breeds involved in its development and shedding light on its historical significance.

The Development of the Ridley Bronze Turkey:
During the 1960s, John Richardson, a distinguished professor of poultry science at the University of Saskatchewan, recognized the potential of the Ridley Bronze Turkey for Canadian farmers. To bring this breed to Canada, Richardson collaborated closely with Judge Arthur O. Ridley, the original creator of the breed.

Breeds Involved in the Development:
The Ridley Bronze Turkey is the result of a deliberate crossbreeding program. Judge Ridley initially crossed a commercial strain of Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys with a heritage breed called the Narragansett turkey. The aim was to combine the superior meat quality and size of the Broad Breasted Bronze turkey with the hardiness and adaptability of the Narragansett turkey. This crossbreeding resulted in the foundation stock of the Ridley Bronze Turkey.

Further Refinement in Canada:
Once the Ridley Bronze Turkey breeding stock arrived in Canada, John Richardson and his team at the University of Saskatchewan embarked on a mission to further develop and improve the breed. They meticulously conducted selective breeding programs, focusing on enhancing specific traits such as meat quality, size, and adaptability to Canadian climates. The team’s dedication and expertise played a crucial role in refining the breed and making it well-suited for Canadian turkey production systems.

Historical Significance:
The introduction of the Ridley Bronze Turkey in Canada marked a significant turning point in the country’s poultry industry. Prior to its arrival, Canadian turkey farmers primarily relied on imported breeds. However, the Ridley Bronze Turkey quickly gained popularity due to its exceptional meat quality, adaptability, and suitability for Canadian farming conditions. This breed became a symbol of collaboration, innovation, and the resilience of Canadian poultry farmers.

The journey of the Ridley Bronze Turkey is a testament to the remarkable collaboration and innovation that can shape the course of an industry. From Judge Arthur O. Ridley’s initial crossbreeding efforts to John Richardson’s dedicated work in Canada, the Ridley Bronze Turkey has left an indelible mark on the Canadian poultry farming landscape. Today, this breed continues to be cherished for its superior qualities, making it a true triumph of agricultural ingenuity.

True Heritage Ridley Bronze Turkey hatching eggs are available in Canada through Breezy Bird Farms. Poults are also available for pick up only in limited supply.

Breezy Bird Farms

Posted 33 weeks ago

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