Hello and thank you for stopping by to check out the farm. The farm is owned and operated solely by one. A prairie breeder located in southern Manitoba.
The farm offers poultry and quail hatching eggs and chicks. The hatching eggs are shipped Canada wide. Chicks can be ordered for pick up in the bio security area.
Hatching eggs are packed weekly and shipped out each Monday. They will be shipped Tuesday if Monday is a holiday. Shipping method choices are Canada post and Purolator. It is recommend to choose the fasted shipping to retain the best fertility.
The farm's focus is bringing quality healthy birds to customers across Canada. Offering rare quality birds to help keep them populated. Many heritage breeds are being lost with time as the world changes their focus on fast and quick methods. However, many are going back to our roots and enjoying the older ways again combined with new methods.
The birds have a yearly vet visit where each bird is inspected for health and vitality. The farm is not high tech. All the birds are hand and water fed. Human contact is with each pen every day. There is nothing automated with equipment. No conveyer belts. All eggs are hand gathered. Pens are cleaned with a shovel. Compost is very valuable for the garden! I find that this approach is manageable and keeps a connection with the birds alive. Their eggs taste better and its a relationship we both enjoy.
I hope you have a chance to take a look through the site. All photos and content I have created. If you have any questions, please feel free to email.
© Copyright Breezy Bird Farms