Chocolate Anyone?

Known for their eggs

The Marans chicken, renowned for its rich chocolate-brown eggs, hails from the coastal region of France, particularly the town of Marans in the Charente-Maritime department. This breed was developed in the 19th century by local farmers who aimed to create a robust and productive bird capable of thriving in various conditions. The Marans breed has gained international acclaim, especially for its unique egg color, which is a result of a specific gene that enhances the pigmentation of the eggshell.

Marans chickens are medium to large-sized birds with a sturdy build and a calm demeanor. They feature beautiful feather patterns that can vary based on the specific variety, including colors such as black, copper, and wheaten. Their striking appearance and friendly nature make them a favorite among poultry keepers.

- Friendly
- Calm
- Curious
- Social
- Good foragers
- Generally good with children and other animals

Weather Hardiness:
- Adaptable to a range of climates
- Tolerant of both hot and cold weather
- Requires proper shelter and care to thrive in extreme conditions

Egg Production:
- Lays approximately 150-200 eggs per year
- Eggs are medium to large in size and known for their distinct chocolate brown color

Maran chickens are not only valued for their exceptional egg production but also for their friendly disposition and striking beauty, making them a popular choice for both backyard flocks and commercial egg production.

The farm breeds Blue/black and splash