Broodiful Beautiful and yes can go broody which can cover a large amount of eggs. You can't deny the unmistakeable elegant beauty in these birds. Chicks are robust and vigorous, fluffly and large. They are easy to grow and a complete joy to watch mature. The hens are sweet and gentle in nature as is the cockerels. We are able to keep 2 cocks together in 1 breeding pen peacefully. The cocks are none aggressive towards humans which makes keeping such a large breed easy.
A majestic noble breed of the 1800's. Famed for its impressive size. These birds are bred to the European standard which, we at Breezy Bird Farms have been waiting years to obtain. We have carefully bred and selected the top birds for breeding for you for 2019. This docile and calm breed can be utilized for both meat and eggs. We have processed the cockerels for food and the pullets that did not make the breeding pen have been sold as pets for eggs. The Brahma is said to be the best table chicken up until the newer production breeds in the 1930's.
Egg Size:Med to Large
Egg color: Tan/brown
Temperament: Gentle and friendly
Kid-friendly: Yes
Broody: Yes
All weather hardy: Yes
Space per bird:5-6 square feet per bird
Beginner Friendly: Yes
Eggs per year: 200+
Lifespan: 8 + years
Weight: Hen 8LB, Rooster: 10LB
Dry coops is preferred due to feathered feet and legs. They free range quite well if preferred. Non flighty and can be kept in 3 - 4 foot fencing. They are slow to mature to full size, so be prepared to wait 2 years to see their grand size. Pullets will begin to lay eggs at 6 months of age. These birds are quite and easy to tame. The cocks do not crow a lot or very loud. They lay through out the winter. This strain does tolerate being raised with other breeds, so can be mixed with a variety of other birds. The best part is, they are an excellent choice for the Canadian climate and do very well even in an unheated barn. Lots of feathers and small comb makes keeping them easy. The breed is also very good at maintaining themselves and keeping clean. These stately birds are rare and available to the general public from our farm to yours.
Varieties carried: European types of Lemon Pyle and Blue/Black