Incubating Your Button and Coturnix Eggs

                                            Step-by-Step Guide for Incubating Button Quail and Coturnix Quail Eggs

The During of the incubation can be 16- 20 days. Generally it is 17 days. 

Step 1: Prepare the Incubator

1. Choose an Incubator: Select a reliable brand name quality incubator with a fan for even temperature distribution.
2. Clean and Sanitize: Thoroughly clean the incubator with a mild disinfectant to prevent contamination.

Step 2: Set Up Incubation Conditions

1. Temperature: Set the incubator temperature to 99.5°F (37.5°C).
2. Humidity: Maintain humidity levels at 45-50% for the first 14 days; increase to 65-70% for the last few days before hatching.
3. Airflow: Ensure proper ventilation to provide fresh air and prevent moisture buildup.

Step 3: Prepare the Eggs
1. Inspect the Eggs: Check for any cracks or abnormalities before placing them in the incubator.

Step 4: Place the Eggs in the Incubator

1. Positioning: Place the eggs in the incubator with the pointed end facing down if using a self turner.
2. Spacing: Ensure eggs are spaced apart to allow airflow.

 Step 5: Monitor Conditions
1. Daily Checks: Regularly check temperature and humidity levels, adjusting as necessary.
2. If Turning Manually, Turn the Eggs: Turn the eggs at least 3 times a day to prevent the embryo from sticking to the shell (stop turning 3 days before hatch).

 Step 6: Prepare for Hatching
1. Lockdown: About 3 days before the expected hatch date, stop turning the eggs and increase humidity.
2. Monitor Hatch: Keep a close eye on the incubator during the hatching process.

 Step 7: Hatching
1. Listen for Peeping: As hatching time approaches, you may hear peeping sounds from inside the eggs.
2. Do Not Open the Incubator: Avoid opening the incubator during hatching to maintain humidity and temperature.

Step 8: Post-Hatching Care
1. Remove Chicks: Once hatched, gently remove the chicks and place them in a brooder with heat and food.
2. Monitor Health: Keep an eye on the chicks for any signs of distress or health issues.

By following these steps, you can successfully incubate and hatch both Button Quail and Coturnix Quail eggs! Happy hatching! 🐦✨

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