The worlds most popular chicken?
Popular but Rare?
Also known as standard Cornish. These are not the hatchery cornish but the original heirloom breed, which are used in the creation of the cornish x broiler. The Indian Game or Cornish is a Pure bred heritage bird and not the cornish cross this is so often confused for. These are COMPLETELY two different birds. The indian game can be bred and is sustainable year after year, unlike the genetically altered cornish Cross broiler. The Indian Game or Standard Cornish can truly be bred without the legs, heart or organs giving out after only a few weeks of life unlike the common cross. Indian Game make an excellent heritage flock for those wanting to keep there own flock to produce meat birds.
Many will confuse the White Cornish X with the Cornish. You will notice in the online store the old variation of the breed name is used - Indian Game. This is to help stop the confusion for those new to poultry.
The Cornish X broiler is your supermarket chicken that is cross bred and genetically manipulated to grow fast and to be eaten as a chick. They are only 4-6 weeks old.
The Birds BBF Carry is the Original Cornish. Pure Standard Bred. It is very difficult to obtain the pure White Cornish. Standard Cornish which are also called Indian Game Fowl are slow to grow and can produce wonderful 1 lb hen food supply for your freezer if you wish to process at a young age. This is valuable for those who want tender breasty meat, but do not want to grow them all summer long. For larger birds, this will take your typical 5 to 6 months of growing , the same as all heritage breeds. The Cornish is a game breed that produces ample amount of breast meat. Very dense chicken that appears small but is quite heavy and has very little down. So appearances are not what they seem with this bird.
An excellent choice for those wanted to grow a more natural bird without the health issues. They love to forage and remain similar in behaviour to other heritage breeds. The birds are flighty and don't care much for Human interaction until they reach laying age. They do not like to be handled and will stir quite a fuss. IG do not enjoy being picked up. Although they will tolerate it, they are hard to hold due to their strong muscle structure and large breasts. These are not pets for children, although the cock are not agressive and are quite friendly. Pets are better left for other breeds not focused on for eating.
The whites have been bred over the years by many breeders by adding in a variety of Cornish blood to keep genetics fresh. Therefor other Cornish colors have been added into the whites. You may see the odd bird with a black feather or some with red down which will grow out to be white. These are pure birds with other cornish blooded added for Vitality and was to increase fertility.
The breed has very little down. Although the farm is able to keep these birds quite well in our non heated facility throughout winter, you will have to ensure the birds are at least 1 year of age and kept in a good shelter with other poultry. Younger birds will need to be kept in suitable conditions to thrive in Canadian prairie weather reaching -30.
IG chickens have a strong immune system and rarely succumb to health issues or disease.
Males can weigh 10.5 lbs. and females weigh up to 8 lbs. at maturity. Maturity for chickens is two years old. So keep in mind that you do not typically butcher at this age, as doing so would yield a soup chicken only. Your market weight will depend on the age of butcher. If you were wanting a lager end result it is recommended to butcher at 6 months old prior to the breeding and egg laying stage.
Weight will also depend on how they are kept and what and how they are fed. These are slow growing heirloom birds that require attention to detail. They are not a quick solution to fake food but require nurturing. What you put in to it is what you will get out of it. If you are wanting to switch your food supply to a natural a non modified food system and support a more holistic society then the Indian Game is a great choice along with the Bresse.
Egg Production
Egg Color: Hens typically lay eggs that are tan in color.
Annual Production: Indian Game hens are moderate layers, producing around 150 to 200 eggs per year.
Egg Size: The eggs are generally medium in size.
Indian Game chickens are not your typical assertive game bird. They are confident but tend to stick to themselves and mind their own business. This makes keeping them pleasurable. They do not prefer being picked up which can make them more challenging to handle compared to other breeds.
This breed is highly adaptable and hardy, capable of thriving in various climates. Their robust physique and strong immune systems make them resilient to many common poultry ailments.
Breeding efforts for Indian Game chickens focus on preserving their unique traits, including their meat quality and hardiness. The breed has influenced the development of many commercial broiler breeds, and dedicated breeders continue to maintain its heritage.